Valentines Day – The True Love Day

Celebrating Valentine’s week is the latest trending topic and everyone especially youth seems to be very excited about such celebration as that of a youth festival. On one side, where youth feels to enjoy this week with entertainment and romantic feelings all around, on the other side their parents feel like the kaliyuga is on peak and showing its worst scenario.

Every human being has different thinking, feelings and own perceptions on different issues or topics. On some of the topic, our mind places a strong impact that whenever we talk on such words or topics these words either give us positive or negative vibes. It especially happens when we talk like an orthodox on some topics of which valentines day is also the one.

As we all know and understand that everything has pros as well as cons depending upon how we use or follow something. Similarly, Valentines week is not wrong to celebrate provided the thinking and the way to celebrate should be positive. Don’t you think it will be a happening event if people start celebrating it as true love day instead of celebrating it with intoxication or teasing?

What is true love according to you? Some think true love means when a couple is in a relationship, some think life partner as their true love, some will think about their family or their parents or even you will get some exceptional answer like God. You must have heard “God is love and love is God” and these sayings are really not wrong as these are the life long experiences of experts.

If you get deep into this saying, you’ll believe it to be right as God is the only one who only gives and gives, he never takes. Whenever we are in need, we join our hands for prayer in front of him. He loves, cares for all without bias. He is the one who holds the hands of his children in both realms. In fact, religions teach us about God and they only teach to love all selflessly, to serve those whom we see in pain or sorrows and this is what we call as humanity!

When I searched google about true love, I got to know about an organisation named as Dera Sacha Sauda where devotees of all religions sit together and they already celebrate this day as true love day. They dedicate this day to their spiritual master, Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, whom they believe and respect as their father. The way to celebrate this day is really amazing; by doing humanitarian deeds. Isn’t it great! Even I think this the best way to gift our true love, God; by serving his children! In fact, everyone should follow this and our such efforts can make this world a better place than ever before.

So, wish you guys a very happy Valentine’s day or the true love day. Be happy, keep smiling and make every child of God smile with your endeavours. Do good deeds, stay blessed.


I have a question how do you remember your loved ones specially on the day when they set apart of their worldly Journey.We all have our own ways & mostly we do our respective religious rituals to mark it as homage to departed souls.

But then comes a rare race of humans, an Organisation called Dera Sacha Sauda,Sirsa in Northern part of India.

They found a unique way to pay tribute to their Second True Master in Line of their organistion, by conducting a Mega Eye Check Up & Operation Camp, it is an free camp to benefit the masses who are not having to access to Quality health services in rural areas.And even the Urban middle & lower income groups of the society gets benefits of the same.The event span for four days from 12th to 15th December, since 1992 it is being conducted Successfully under Pious leadership of the Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh ji, the successor of the Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh ji Maharaj.

It is necesary to mention that Dera Sacha Sauda is doing several other welfare tasks too to uplift the moral & socio Ethics of the society, serving with 133 welfare tasks initiated by Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh ji Insan.

This Mega Eye Check up camp is also part of that spree of the welfare activities.

The mega camp which started on 12th December concluded today with astounding figures and unimaginable qualitative benefits to patients. Total of 6596 registrations got done during 4 days & 91 successful surgeries are conducted, and only today, 1699 new registrations were done & respective check-ups being done. The Doctors, paramedical staff along with thousand plus volunteers are serving the patients with a passion which is notable and worth praise.A team of dedicated Doctors from reputed hospitals and resident eye surgeon of the Shah Satnam Singh Ji Super Speciality Hospital are giving round the clock services in this camp.

As we mentioned this is 27th annual camp, so far in last 26 camps over 29000 patients being treated.

To add-on here that this is second camp in physical presence of the Present True Master,Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh ji Insan, The respected mother of the True Master is leading this camp to make sure all activities runs as it used to run in holy Guidance of the True Master.Mata Naseeb Kaur ji made sure to visit the wards of the hospital to ask well being of the patients.
The registration are on 15th Dec too, as the examined patients will be given full services in days to follows too.

As always DERA SACHA SAUDA leading it from the front by serving the under privileged of the society to make this earth a better place to live and makes other understand the value of giving RAY OF HOPES by conducting these camps.As the Dera Sacha Sauda calls it YAAD-E-MURSHID, means remembrance of the True Master.

I believe that they do not forget to mark all their happy, joyful or even painful time to serve humanity in all the best of their capacity.An inspirational organisation is Dera Sacha Sauda, as I have started donating blood after seeing their volunteers.

(Writing Credits:- Manoj Sareen)

Though he was behind the bars but still ruling million hearts.

Everyone knows that nothing is greater than saving someone’s life and you can be the hero for someone by doing that. Now you must be thinking that how we can save someones life when life or death is in the hands of GOD. Yes, you are right but your little contribution by donating blood can be the life savior for someone.

While writing this, I was searching about the organization or people who are continuously donating blood then there is one name which was on the top of the list and that is Dera Sacha Sauda which is in Sirsa, Haryana and their chief is Baba Ram Rahim who is currently behind the bars.

After reading further about this organization then I came to know that on every occasion the organization donates blood in thousands of unit. Lakhs of volunteers come forward to donate blood with great enthusiasm and the surprising fact is that there are more people who want to donate blood but fewer people who want to take the blood.
On every occasion, Dera Sacha Sauda followers donate blood and their spirit that is filled by Baba ram Rahim is so high that whenever they donate blood, they make world records. As per sources, Dera Sacha Sauda is the record holder in donating blood for continuously three years. On 7th December 2013, it has made record for donating 15432 units of blood, on 10th October 2004, it has made record for donating 17921 units and on 8th August 2010, it has made record for donating 43732 units.

One more thing, I came to know, that the organization celebrates every year on 5th October, death anniversary of respected Bapu Nambardaar Maghar Singh Ji (father of Baba Ram Rahim) by donating blood and conducting free medical checkup camp. This day is known as Parmarthi Diwas and Shah Satnam Ji Welfare association conduct this camp as a tribute to Poojinya Bapu Ji. And you will be amazed to know that followers do blood donation on this day with great enthusiasm.

There is also International Blood Bank named Bapu Maghar Sigh Ji is established for patients and the best part is that this is driven by blood donation of volunteers. This blood bank has saved the lives of hundreds of patients.
Continuing about blood donation by Dera Sacha Sauda, you will be amazed to know that Dera Sacha Sauda is the biggest blood donor to the army.
In this era, where people dont even give their fever to anyone without any motive, there are Dera Sacha Sauda followers who donate blood anytime, anywhere and to anyone selflessly and this is the reason they have been given the name of True Blood Pump” by Baba Ram Rahim.

While concluding, I would say we all should learn from Dera Sacha sauda and at least once in every three months, we should donate blood as it can give life to someone.


हैरानी जनक किस्सा-आधुनिक दौर में डाकघर में उमड़ी भीड़ और डाक की बाढ़

चलो आज ताज़ा करते हैं कुछ पुराने समय की बातें। आज से कुछ वर्ष पहले जब स्मार्ट फोन और इंटरनेट का जमाना नही था तो हम सब लोग किसी को नव वर्ष, जन्मदिन और सालगिरह आदि की बधाई पत्र लिखकर या ग्रीटिंग भेज कर देते थे। पर आज ये सारी जगह मोबाइल फोन और कंप्यूटरों ने ले ली। आज हर कोई बधाई के संदेश घर बैठे ही सस्ते ढंग एवं सरलता से भेजने की क्षमता रखता है।

इस आधुनिकता के दो पहलू हैं। एक तो यह जो की सर्वमान्य है कि आज के युग में समय के अभाव के कारण ये विचारों के आदान-प्रदान तथा रिश्तों को एक सूत्र में बान्ध कर रखने में एक बहुत ही महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभा रहा है।इस प्रकार कि तकनीक से सभी लोग आपस में आसानी से एक दूसरे से जुड़े रह सकते हैं।

परंतु इसका अन्य पहलू जो कि अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है परंतु आज लोगों कि विचारधारा से विलुप्त होता जा रहा है। इस आधुनिक तकनीक के कारण वो भावना जो बधाई संदेश देते समय पहले हुआ करती थी वो कहीं ना कहीं बड़े पैमाने पर विलुप्त होती जा रही है। मुझे याद है कुछ वर्ष पहले जब हम स्कूल जाते थे तो एक प्रेम भावना एवं चाव से पत्र तथा ग्रीटिन्ग बना कर मित्रों एवं सगे-संबंधियों को दिया करते थे। अपने हाथों से बनाये उन ग्रीटिन्ग एवं अन्य उपहारों से अलग ही एक प्रेम कि खुशबू आती थी।

इसका एक अन्य महत्वपूर्ण पहलू ये भी है कि आज लोगों में इन आधुनिक यन्त्रों के अत्यधिक उपयोग के कारण आत्मविश्वास की बहुत ही कमी आई है। इन कारणों से ही आज लोग सामने बैठकर बात करने में बहुत कतराने लगे हैं। केवल इंटरनेट के ही माध्यम से बात करना स्वयं के अनुकूल मानते हैं। इससे बात करने की कुशलता में भी एक बड़े पैमाने पर गिरावट आई है जो कि एक अन्यन्त गंभीर विषय है।

पर क्या आज के युग में हर जगह केवल इंटरनेट से ही बधाई दी जाती है ?

क्या आज पुराने समय वली भावना समाप्त होती जा रही है?

बिल्कुल भी नहीं! मेरा ये जवाब बेशक बिल्कुल हैरान कर देने वाला है परन्तु है बिल्कुल सच! आज भी दुनिया के एक कोने में वो भावना एक बड़े पैमाने पर जिन्दा है! आज भी कुछ लोग हैं जो अपने दिल के भावों को शब्दों में पिरोकर एक दिल की गहराई से निकले हुए प्रेम और विरह के तीर की तरह अपने प्रियजन तक पहुंचा रहे हैं। उनका यह अत्यंत वैराग्य से सुशोभित प्रेम एवं अनुराग ही मुझे उनकी इस गाथा को शब्दों में संजोकर प्रस्तुत करने का एक छोटा-सा प्रयास करने को बल दे रही है।

चलो अब बिना एक क्षण की भी देरी किए बात करते हैं अपने जन कल्याण कार्यों के लिये एक विश्व-विख्यात संस्था के साथ जुड़े विशाल जन समूह की जो आज पूरी दुनिया में अपने 133 मानवता भलाई कार्यों के लिये ना केवल प्रसिद्ध हैं बल्कि 80 से ज्यादा विश्व रिकॉर्ड भी अपने नाम पर दर्ज करवा कर अपने इस अत्यंत भावनात्मक हुनर का लोहा मनवा चुके हैं। जी हाँ! मेरा तात्पर्य हरियाणा के सिरसा में एक विशाल विश्व विख्यात संस्था डेरा सच्चा सौदा से है। इस संस्था के गुरु सन्त डॉ गुरमीत राम रहीम सिंह जी इन्सां आज भले ही भाहरी तौर पर अपने शिष्यों से दूर हों पर उनके शिष्यों में उनके प्रति प्रेम, विरह एवम् विश्वास में लेश्मात्र भी कमी का आभास तक नहीं हो रहा।

जी हाँ! पिछ्ले एक वर्ष से भले ही बाबा राम रहीम अपने शिष्यों से दूर सुनारिया, रोहतक में रह रहें हों पर उनके शिष्य वहाँ भी उन तक अपने प्रेम भरे संदेश पहुंचाने का एक भी मौक़ा हाथ से जाने नहीं दे रहे। पिछ्ले महीने अगस्त में उनके जन्मदिन पर हजारों की तादात में ग्रीटिन्ग के माध्यम से उन तक अपने भाव पहुंचाए जो की इतिहास में पहली बार जेल में किसी एक व्यक्ति-विशेष के लिये इतने बधाई संदेश पहुंचने का विश्व कीर्तिमान भी साबित हुआ। यही नहीं इस श्रेणी में बाबा के लिये उनके भक्तों द्वारा राखियाँ, शिक्षक दिवस की बधाईयों के कार्ड एवं उनके गुरुगद्दी दिवस के भी बधाई संदेशों का एक विशाल मात्रा में भरतीय डाक द्वारा पहुंचना शामिल है।

भारतीय डाक की सुनरिया शाखा के पोस्टमास्टर जगदीश बुधवार के अनुसार उन्होनें अपने 40 वर्ष के कार्यकाल के दौरान किसी एक व्यक्ति के लिए बधाई के डाक भेजने का इतना उत्साह आज तक नहीं देखा था। उनके अनुसार तो इन बधाई संदेशों की जैसे बाड़ आ गई है। बाबा के खिलाफ आए सी बी आई कोर्ट के फैसले, मीडिया की कहानियों और अन्य दुष्प्रचारो का उनके भक्तों की आस्था में कोई असर पड़ता नहीं दिख रहा है। वे आज भी बाबा को पूर्ण आस्था एवं श्रद्धा से याद करते हैं तथा उनके जल्दी बाहर आने की कामना करते हैं। ये सब वृतांत बाबा की सच्चाई तथा सच की ताकत साबित करने में भी एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभा रहे हैं।

वहीं भक्तों की यह वैराग्यमयी प्रेम-भावना किसी भी धड़कते हुए दिल को कुरेदने की क्षमता रखती है। उनकी इस विरह की भावना और प्रेम का पूरे संसार में अन्य कोई साक्ष्य नहीं मिल सकता। यह सब बाबा की पावन शिक्षाओं एवं भक्तों की भक्ति के कारण ही सम्भव हो पाया है।

भक्तों की इस भक्ति को मेरा सलाम !!!

The benevolence day – 23rd September

Some days back while I was just checking the trending topics of Twitter then suddenly I found unique hashtags trending like #GuruGaddiDiwas. Searching for a while about these topics, I found that all these topics are related to Dera chief Baba Ram Rahim who is currently behind the bars.

After reading this word Maha Paropkar in tweets, many things come to my mind. what is maha paropkar month? why is it celebrated? For whom is it celebrated and how is it celebrated? As in every tweet I found a unique kind of excitement for the day.
So, Here I’m sharing through my writing what was the excitement behind it!

I was once surprised that millions celebrate this day with much excitement. Tweets of those people and dera website shows 23rd September 1990 is the historic day for Dera Sacha Sauda when second Guru Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj had given the rein of Dera Sacha Sauda to Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan and all Dera followers celebrate this month as Maha Paropkar Month.

According to the facts, when Gurmeet Ram Rahim Ji accepted the rein, he was just 23 years old. At this very young age, Gurmeet Ram Rahim Ji left his family for making people aware of God’s name and from 1990 till 2018 in these 28 years, HE has connected more than 6.50 million people to method of meditation and initiated 133 welfare works such as blood donation, tree plantation, arranging marriages of prostitutes, stopping female foeticide and many more are in this garland of welfare works. You can visit this page to know more about the wefare works initiated by Dera Sacha Sauda.
This was about What is Maha Paropkar Month for Dera Sacha Sauda and its followers.

Now I am writing about how is it celebrated?
You will be amazed to know that at Dera Sacha Sauda every occasion is celebrated by doing welfare works and Maha Paropkar Month as the name suggests, is for the well being of others and it is celebrated in the same manner by doing welfare of others selflessly. And i was surprised, Is this possible in this era!! And surprisingly, it is!

Dera Sacha Sauda followers celebrate the whole month of September by doing welfare works as taught by their Guru Gurmeet Ram Rahim by distributing food to the needy, by distributing books to the children who cannot afford it, by giving toys to the children, by distributing clothes to the needy, etc. They never stop on this, they do blood donation, tree plantation, they have taken the pledge for body donation after death, etc.

Now you must be thinking about their motivation and inspiration for doing welfare works, he is none other than Baba Ram Rahim and you will be amazed to know that even if baba is behind the bars, but still these Welfare works are going on with the same pace & devotees are continuously walking on the path shown by Baba Ram Rahim. Not even in India, His followers doing work with great pomp and show in foreign countries too and they get many appreciation awards for their work from the foreign government.
Here you can see Green S Welfare force receiving appreciation award for their work in foreign country.

On this occasion, Baba Ram Rahim honor those people who come first in the humanitarian works and this thing inspires them more and they involve more for welfare works selflessly.
Some glimpses of welfare works by DSS followers.

Flood of Birthday Wishes at ‘Sunaria’

These days every newspaper is highlighting birthday celebration of Baba Ram Rahim. Reading those news headlines and unique kind of birthday celebration by the devotees made me so surprised that I can’t stop myself to write on this unique happening event. The readers must be thinking about what made me so surprised? The reason is the way of celebration.

They celebrated the day by planting trees whose count is not in hundreds or thousands, the statistics is around 25 Lakhs saplings, which are planted in a single day.

I got another reason of surprise from this link which says that the ‘Sunaria’ Jail is flooded with the greeting cards. Postman statement shows 80% of the daily post belongs to Baba Ram Rahim which includes handmade or purchased & designed greeting cards of birthday wishes. I am so surprised that even after one year of verdict devotees love their Guru in such a way. Rather their love seems even more than before.

This is not just a surprise but this thing diverts my mind to some other side, whether the allegations on Baba are really true? In fact, when I see such kind of faith of millions of people, heart says this can’t be the blind faith.

While exploring more about the event I got through another link that after greetings ‘rakhis’ are on their way as ‘Rakshabandhan’ festival is on the way. Being a normal human being, I believe in in God but I’m not superstitious. I believe God as my father, mother, brother, friend, teacher, and everything. Even I used to offer Rakhi to his idol during Rakshabandhan. And on seeing such kind of devotion, somewhere my heart says, “All are not the same”. Many Babas come and go but true ones leave their impressions. Issues are raised and settled and the public forgets everything within some months and if millions are following someone’s teachings after a year, these teachings are of some special one or of a true saint.

It is a general saying that it depends upon our eyes what we see; positive or negative. But every coin has two sides and sometimes what we see is not the truth. I am not taking anyone’s favor but wholeheartedly I loved the way of celebration. Even I want to celebrate every family occasion by planting a tree or by doing such kind of welfare work.

Transformation in Lives of Eunuchs

You must have seen and have heard about Eunuchs who are neither considered to be a male nor a female. These were the most discriminated segment in the society. There was a time when they used to earn their living by being slaves of kings of the different dynasty. With the change in time and circumstances, their way of earning changed like singing, dancing and begging. But it is a part of Indian custom that they bless the newly married couple, newly born child and on other auspicious occasions. It is believed that their blessings, as well as curses, both have a potent impact.

There were also no special rules or benefits for such section of the society and even law and order never supported them. They were called with wrongful words like Eunuch, hijra, kinners etc. One day, a true saint thought to start an initiative for their welfare. He started the initiative on 14th November 2009. On his single call, millions vowed to be the part of the initiative. The initiative was not to call Eunuch with such names but to call them “Sukhdua Samaaj”. The saint Ji said those who always pray for the welfare of all and even society believes in their powerful blessings, they deserve a name as per their nature. Not only had this, the initiative included to adopt them as a child and to integrate them with the mainstream society.

You will be surprised to know these were not only the words which are just said but he worked on the same. He appealed to the Honorable Court for justice, for the upliftment of Transgenders and finally, it gave the positive result. They got third gender category officially recognized by the Supreme Court. With this recognition, the new doors for their education & employment got opened. In fact, saint Ji arranged free education for them. Now they got a respectable position in the society and it was an end to the neglected behavior they were facing for centuries. And with this initiative, India became the first country where Sukhdua Samaaj got a status different from male or female.

Now you guys must be waiting to know the name of that true saint who did such an unbelievable effort for that section of society which was never given any importance. He is Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. You must have heard his name as Baba Ram Rahim or as Saint MSG. Whatever he did was really a historic moment which brought a positive transformation to the lives of Eunuchs.

When I see such things happening in this era, my heart and soul starts believing that God incarnates on this earth. The issue which was not raised for centuries, how suddenly someone came and changed everything! Really, God listens to the heart and prayers of his every craving soul and brings a positive change by doing miracles.
I hope you will like the article and you will find it true that Sometimes, there is a delay but not the denial.

Service to mankind after death

Are you a humanity lover? Have you ever served someone with selfless motive? If yes, then you can easily understand the happiness and inner satisfaction a person gets after doing welfare work. We usually find people around us doing humanitarian deeds like cleaning nearby areas or planting trees, donating blood etc. but only some have the spirit to serve even after death. These are the persons who either get inspiration from someone or those who get an unknown happiness by serving others; former are the blessed ones who get someone to inspire and later ones are the angels sent by God to serve and help others.

Now some of the readers must be thinking how can a person serve after death? Should we donate our property to others or should we open some school or hospital for needy ones? These are the things which only a rich one can do but there are people who are serving others after their life & without money. Wanna know? Yes, they are doing so by donating organs after death. Another way is that they let don’t their burnt ashes & bones remains poured into a river rather their family members plant a tree on those remains and in this way that soul purifies air and gives lives to others after death instead of polluting rivers. Isn’t it unique and great initiative!

Now you must be feeling proud that in our Country such big-hearted people are present who have such selfless intentions of serving. Another question rolling in your mind can be whether they do such on their own or are inspired by someone! I was also surprised when last year I got to know about these deeds and then that inspiring personality, as well as the organization, got a respectable position in the core of my heart. The personality who inspired millions regarding this initiative is Baba Ram Rahim Ji and the organization is Dera Sacha Sauda.

As I personally love doing humanitarian deeds and also feel great while seeing someone serving the forlorn and needy ones. Rich people easily arrange everything to save lives of their family members but poor ones are not capable enough for the same. And very less are those who think about saving the life of a poor fighting for life in the hospital. My head was bowed down for the inspiring saint in respect when I heard that someone from Italy donated his kidney to a person with complete legal formalities and myriads filled forms of kidney donation, eye donation, skin donation or body donation for saving lives of others on the inspiration of Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim ji.

The day I got to know, how a messenger of God looks like & not only in stories but in reality, God sends angels on the earth. And if we see with pure heart and soul we can see the reality. Only eyes are not enough to see reality, our inner-self answers us.

So, instead of letting the body burn after death, let it serve after death.


We all have heard about ordinary banks (Money Bank), Blood banks, Food banks but have you heard about book bank or toy bank. Your answer might be NO! But they do exist. Or you must be thinking about any Library. No, I am talking about book bank for the arrangement of books for the destitute children.

Last month, I saw my friend with so many books and toys in her hand and I was really surprised that where was she taking such books & toys? Then, she told me about an organization which has established food bank, book bank, blood bank, clothes bank and toy bank of its own to help needy ones. She further added that she donates such things every month or year depending upon the availability. But honestly, I was not able to believe such kind of altruistic behavior in this era. I was like, People think about providing food, money or clothes to needy ones but who thinks about providing toys and education. And I was proved to be wrong when I searched about the same and when I visited the organization with her.

After this incident, my behavior was completely changed and that day I got to know people exist who think about other and humanity really exists in this Kaliyuga also. I was eager to know more about the organization and especially, about the person under whose guidance this organization is working. Last week, when I met my friend again, I can’t stop myself to ask that question. Then she told me about a spiritual saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji, Head of that organization named as Dera Sacha Sauda.

My eagerness moved me more towards the topic and made me write the same for you guys. The organization is donating education (Doing Vidya Daan) which is of much importance as per our religions too. Our religions teach us importance of Education, it says “विद्यां ददाति विनयं, विनयाद् याति पात्रताम्। पात्रत्वात् धनमाप्नोति, धनात् धर्मं ततः सुखम्।।“And it says education donation as the greatest donation “अन्न दानं महा दानं विद्या दानं महत्तरम्”. Also, selfless service to needy makes a person eligible for God’s grace.

The same thing this organization and the Baba Rahim Ji are doing and showing a virtuous path to all. Under this book bank initiative, awareness on the menace of AIDS & related issues is spread by arranging seminars and distributing books in schools and colleges regarding these & thereby encouraging moral values among youth. There is also a mobile platform for the same which provides its services in rural areas.

Role of True Spiritual Master in life

From the day a soul comes into existence it starts learning. At every level of our life we have a teacher to teach. Spirituality is something which is hard to understand or I should say no one can understand it completely except a true spiritual master. If I ask, from when did you start learning? You will answer “from birth” but spirituality takes you a step ahead. It says before body, a soul comes into existence and we start learning before birth i.e. when we are in the womb of the mother. ‘Abhimanyu’ of Mahabharata is the perfect example of this.

Now, if I say who is your first teacher, after a deep thinking you’ll say, “Mother” but again spirituality gets a step further and answers “God”
Then, what is the role a true spiritual master in life? He’s the one who bears the topmost position in our life. He’s the only one who reconnects the soul i.e. a droplet to the fathomless sea, ‘God’.

Now, the question must be revolving in your mind, how can we find a true spiritual master? What qualities make us believe in him? Actually, we are not capable enough to find him but he can hear the voice of the craving soul from the miles apart and connects that soul on his own. Now you can call it luck or spiritual connection. The face of a true spiritual master tells everything, the glow on his face takes you to some other world. I might sound like I am in the world of fantasies but this example will change your mind. You might have read or heard of many love stories. How one forgets the whole world for the other? It happens in reality, the only difference is when you meet true spiritual master you fall in love with God.

The unimaginable glow and qualities of the true spiritual master will make you believe, “He’s is the one I was looking for!” He’s the one where your search ends. He never praises himself; he only praises God and his creations. Whatever topic you start with, he’ll connect it to God. You will find him very down to earth, humble, polite, and as the ocean of mercy. He teaches to find God within, instead of materialistic places. His company will make you much wiser and a successful person. It’s about some years ago, when I heard a lot about Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Ji. At that time I was completely unaware of spiritual experiences. But when I saw Baba Ram Rahim, my life got completely changed. I never met him personally but his sermons showed me virtuous path always. Whenever I lost my way, I was able to find peace and satisfaction by closing down my eyes and reciting those God’s words.

Which kind of relationship is of the master-disciple? It is the most pious & the holy relationship in both realms. A True master is the one who shows the true meaning of life, the life dedicated to humanity. After that we realize, till now we were just taking breaths and now life started in a real sense. You can also experience the same. All that is needed is true heart and willingness to find God within. Hope, you would like the article after reading.